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Support us!

One-off donation

Of course we appreciate any help no matter how small. If you would like to support us with a one-off donation, you can do so by transferring an amount of your choice to:
Stichting Auralia on account number NL90BUNQ2087543593


The Auralia Foundation has ANBI status. Your donation is fully tax deductible in the Netherlands.


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Become a godparent?

Would you like to help our talents realise their musical dream? You can do so by becoming a godparent. Godfather brother, sister, uncle or aunt can of course also do so!

What does being a godparent mean?

• You commit yourself for a longer period of time.

• You donate monthly or annually.

• You are assigned to a certain project.
• You will receive on a regular base updates on the project.
• If you appreciate it, we can inform you personally about the

advancement of the project.

• In any case, the aim is always to ensure that we can support

the talents in question for a longer period of time.

• Your contribution will go to master classes in the talents' area

but you can also think of support for travel to high-level education or participation in master classes in Europe.


Fill in this form or contact us at

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